I love waking up early, especially now, that people don't expect it out of me.
Today, I just so happened to come across a little nugget of love thanks to my unexpected early awakening.
I felt like being productive today, so I was unpacking in my room.
In the middle of putting away my camera, I stumbled upon some of my sister's belongings.
Being the good person I am, I decided I'd go look for Sister and show her what I had found... as a way to surprise her... because she had thought the items were lost.
Sister was in the living room, on the phone with her back turned to me, so I didn't open my mouth.
I was going to keep walking towards her, but right before I emerged from the column that hides my hallway from the living room, I heard her mention me.
Sister: Yeah, she just went upstairs and didn't come down until everyone was gone from the menudo.
(I knew this was me, because the night of the quince, everyone came over to the house in order to have menudo at around 1 in the morning. By this time, I had noted Sister was all interested in that one guy I had been crushing on-- let's call him Mike. He was in the house, and I kept bumping into him, and I kept feeling like shit because... who likes bumping into their crush knowing he has a thing for your sister? I decided to extricate myself from the situation and I just went upstairs to my God-sister's room and began getting ready for bed... and crying just a little bit)
Sister: So you know when people are pissed and they refuse to admit it? My sister was like that all day. Yeah... the day after the quince. She wouldn't say a word, and she was constantly on her phone, texting someone. We were downtown and she wouldn't even tell us what she wanted to do. I just knew she was pissed because Mike was talking to me.
Sister: Yeah, it's STUPID. I mean, I knew him first! And I know she was pissed about Mike because at the Quince she told me she liked him. Then he asked me to dance, I said yes... and now we're talking.
Sister: No, I don't tell her anything now. I don't mention ANYTHING about him around her.
Sister: No, she doesn't know anything. Yeah... I know... it's stupid. She's fucking stupid.
I stood there wanting to cry... and why lie, I wanted to walk in there and beat her ass... at least pull her hair and call her a cunt.
I don't understand why she can't be clear with me, but instead, chooses to vilify me with her friends.
She's on the rebound, playing hard-to-get with her maybe-Ex dude who STILL wants to be with her --as does she-- and meanwhile, she's using this cool dude to give her attention AND make maybe-Ex dude jealous. I could easily vilify her if I chose.
Sure, she can try to use the same argument on me. However, who is she going to use?
MGH? He has been in a steady relationship for six months. How long must I mourn that shit? It's ok for me to move on.
Darcy? She can suck my balls. Homeboy rarely remembers I exist, much less knows about my crush. Issue there would just be "Boo-hoo, I like a dude who doesn't give a shit about me... let me hang out with this guy who at least flirts back."
Must I pine away for a dude who doesn't know I'm alive in order to keep my sister happy?
So... I won't hate... I'll just tell it like it is.
Dear Sister:
I am upset. Well, more like, I was upset.
I did get quiet after Saturday night because of what went down with Mike.
No, I don't feel he's the love of my life... how fond of the guy could I have grown in the matter of a week? Not very. Yes, he's cute, hilarious, and sarcastic... and really, really tall... all attractive qualities in a dude, but not something that would shatter my world once I realize it ain't gonna happen.
I'm upset because of what really happened:
I liked a guy. He was weighing the options of going with one of us... and like with everything, you threw me under the bus so that you could have fun. You never throw me a bone.
You are so consumed in feeling pretty... feeling worshipped, that you don't give a fuck how badly you hurt me.
You made me feel hideous... and you didn't give a fuck.
I told you I liked the guy, and instead of trying to hook me up, you broke it up.
The fact that you've done this five times to me doesn't make me feel any better.
So... call me "fucking stupid" all you want... I pretty much am for ever opening up to you over the guys I like.
Enjoy your new puppy.
That's just not cool at any level. :/
I'm sorry that that's going on, I really am. :[
eh. I guess it was the crossroads I needed: Get a dude, or be alone for good.
So I just fucking quit. I'm sick of never making the cut. I'm only focusing on academia now. Relationships can go to hell.
I need to jump on the bandwagon with you, like desperately. :|
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