Friday, October 29, 2010


My sister is out with her gang of friends, kick-starting her weekend-long Halloween festivities.
Mom just returned home from a night out with one of her BFFs.
This morning, Rafa left for a week in Seoul and then some place in Japan.
Dad returned from church at around 10 PM after being out since 5 in the afternoon.
How did I spend my Friday night, the weekend of Halloween?
Still fucking around with school applications, preparing statements of purpose, reviewing manuscripts... and debating how I should fucking kill myself.

This day has sucked from the moment I opened my eyes... up until now, when I feel my eyes are starting to cross uncontrollably.
Oh! And I also have a sweet-ass cut on my right eyelid from where my "eyebrow tech" cut me with some scissors because she looked away as she was trimming my brow. That was a nice surprise.

So to recap: I'm depressed, cross-eyed, and with a right eyelid that looks like someone socked me in the face with some brass knuckles.
All on a Friday night.
La vita è bella.


Mooney said...

Dude, your eyebrow lady scares me.

AnoMALIE said...

I have an inkling she *might* just hate me.