Monday, October 11, 2010


At Saturday's wedding, my sister and I bumped into the jackass who wouldn't leave me alone back in '08.
Now, I know back then I was greatly aggravated by the guy, but being that I consider myself an adult, I decided I'd say hello to him. I did not attempt to hug him, much less kiss him... I didn't even try to shake his hand. I stopped walking the moment I stood directly in front of him, made eye-contact, and said hello as I smiled.
Me: Hey. How are you? It HAS been two years.
(five seconds of silence pass. I just stare at him and my cousin who is walking next to him)
Me: ??? Umm... ok? Bye?
I walked away... then my sister and I began to laugh.

I probably wouldn't have found it so funny, had he not been so loud. And I found it funny, because rather than be embarrassed by his dis, I felt sorry for him. Everyone standing by the bar (because that's where it all went down. He was walking to the bathroom as I was getting a drink) stared at him and asked me what was wrong with him (another thing-- why try to dis me in front of my family, when you're the stranger in the pack? Horrible decision-making skills, son).
Is that guy crazy?
Dude, I didn't think so... but he might just be. Either that, or the poor guy has Tourette's.

Then I remembered, this same guy once caused me some internet drama with a complete stranger. I had originally written it down on here, but after taking a few breaths and counting to 50, I opted against posting it. Instead, I saved it and would read it every once in a while when I'd need a laugh.
So I came home and re-read my old post.
I now feel enough time has passed for me to feel safe about posting it... to remember some good times.

Here's the entry I so aptly titled "An Example of How Most Men are Retards" (due to the fact that the title to the stranger's little manifesto was "An example of how most women are cunts") back in May of '08. Enjoy:

HEY EVERYBODY!!! I'm famous!!

Ok, no I'm not... but, if you google my blog address, you'll come up with the little rant that one guy had in regards to this entry of mine.

Now you can see with your very own eyes how distressed my words made him.
AND you get to see what he looks like!
If you really love me, you'll be childish enough to talk shit to him!! (I kid! That would just blow this drama way out of proportion... plus... after getting a good look at him... aren't you a little creeped out to start any sort of shit with him? Yeah, fuck that. I'll just do that from the safety of my own blog, thank you very much.)

God, it almost makes me squeal with glee to think I have a dude hating on me... so much so, that he puts it on his own blog for the world to see, all because of the ire I inspire!

Let's dissect his entry (things in green parentheses will be inserts by moi):

Have a look at this:
(All right, here's my first complaint. First off, why the fuck not direct your readers to the exact post where I'm talking shit? Rookies... sheesh!)

This guy is in love with her (Now how the fuck can you assert that from what I wrote? Do you personally know him? NO. Were you anywhere near the Cheesecake Factory while OG and I were interacting? I hope not. Do you even know me? Nope. How can you say HE'S IN LOVE WITH ME?! Jesus Christ, I bet you failed the reading comprehension part of your SATs.), and the best she can come up with is remorse for so much as giving him the time of day (what the fuck else am I supposed to feel? Are you telling me I should fall in love with him, even if I felt insestuous in doing so, only because he covered my 9 dollar chopped salad?), because it turned out to be a waste of her own (it wasn't a waste until he made me stand in the parking lot talking nonsense while I had two other people waiting for me that day... he didn't say ONE thing of importance as I stood there freezing my ass off and smelling car exhaust. He even insulted my sister as I stood there and heard him run at the mouth. I felt "remorse" because this little "hang out" made him assume it was cool to persue me "romantically" even after I told him REPEATEDLY that I was NOT looking for a relationship then, now, or in the future. That I saw him as a RELATIVE, nothing more).

Sorry ladies, we cant all measure up the standards of God's gift to men.
(Yo, homie, it's "God's gift to women"... unless you're assuming I'm a man... and that we're gay together. And anyway, in my case, you don't have to measure up to the standard of "God's gift to women," just MY standards... you know... of NOT having a remote possibility of sharing one too many genes with me. Let's look at other gene pools, please)

Women have been, and continue to be, victims of the greatest of public abuses.

Men have been, and continue to be, victims of the greatest private abuses.

If any women are reading this, feel free to call me a douche or whatever makes you feel clever, but next time a guy like this calls you, try be human for a change.

(Shit, and he wrote that at 4 in the morning... AHAHAHA! I hope he had to take some Tums after that tantrum)

Vindictive... me? Nah.


Chase said...


AnoMALIE said...

:) I know.... lol God, that weirdo made me so angry.