Saturday, October 23, 2010


Of fucking course I wake up with a cold sore smack-dab in the middle of my bastard bottom lip.
Fuck, maaaaan!

I'd like to take this moment to thank my brother: Hey, keep making out with sloppy bitches in bars, I don't care... just QUIT DRINKING OUT OF OTHER PEOPLE'S WATER BOTTLES!

I guess shit could be worse... I could have suffered this outbreak on Tuesday... which... is probably why I'm suffering from this outbreak in the first place.
As if that's not enough, because we all know Life goes a little overboard when it decides to dick around with me, I have a huge pimple on the right side of my jawline. It's magnificent.

I can already imagine what my life will be like if I do go to grad school.

Someone just shoot me already.

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