Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Today's post is brought to you by the letter F... for FUCK!

My hands are red and tingly. I held a screwdriver in my hands with a death grip for four and a half hours, I'm surprised I didn't lose a finger.

After ignoring the fuck out of this beast for a few days,
That glare... SEE why I don't like mornings?
I decided I'd go ahead and put it together.
All was well... up until the LAST step, which is stupid anyway. Apparently I set up the latching mechanism incorrectly, and there's just no fucking way of fixing it. SO... umm, looks like my treadmill WON'T be a space saver... because AnoMALIE's an idiot.

To add insult to injury, I fucked up my dandy nails.

I'd be fine with chips in the polish, since I need to change it up anyway, but I actually broke five nails... and that HURTS.
My hands now look... well, gross.
My right hand is embarrassing to stare at.
They never get that bad even on my WORST lifting days. I'll occasionally break a nail or two after handling the plates like a moron, but never five.
Fuck handiwork. That's some bullshit.

And just for good measure, because I drive on a daily basis, but Wednesday are especially grouchy commutes:
Today was not: Funny. Fantastic. Fabulous. Fun. or even Favorable.
Today was: Fucking Frustrating... a Factory Full of Fucksup.
Thank you, and goodnight (maybe a coherent entry will be worked in later tonight... I still feel like writing, but I know I have to cool down a bit).

Edit: Never mind, I'm no longer angry... this just made me smile and lighten up (thanks, Mooney). HA! Memories of being a teenager...

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