Thursday, December 16, 2010

Kittens and Kisses

Last night was weird.
I had a bunch of strangely cute dreams...
after I had a terrifying dream where planes were falling from the sky and into my backyard. That shit wasn't cool.

My brain then decided to compensate me for my pain and suffering, so it then had me dream about kittens.
The kittens weren't trying to claw my eyes out, they weren't dying and covered in maggots... they were just... being cute kittens finding their way into my front yard in Mexico and wanting to get petted.
I don't even like cats... but only a monster doesn't like sweet little kitties (although the asshole kitties who hiss at you can go to hell. I don't like those).

After feeling all... peaceful from playing with kittens, my brain then gave me the best parting gift.
This entire scene played in my mind right before I woke up:

I woke up singing "SHA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA, my-oh-myyy look like dee boy too shy, ain't gonna kiss dee girrrl!" (shit, and people wondered why I couldn't get out of ESL classes. What kind of English skill is that to teach a four year old Mexican girl? But... it is a damn cute song... every male should be forced to listen to it at least once... with a transcript in hand)

I had a smile on my face the rest of the day... even during my usually maddening kickboxing class where I never lack a reason to elbow a bitch in the face.

Thank you, brain... you're pretty awesome sometimes.


Mooney said...

For some reason, when I read the title to this post, I heard Robin Leech's voice:

"With champagne kisses and caviar dreams..."

AnoMALIE said...

har har har! someone got it!!! :)