Sunday, December 5, 2010

Tender Heart... isn't that a Care Bear?

Something I found that made me scoff (because it turned out to be true):

MGH is more decisive and direct, but also somewhat more naive and simple (psychologically speaking) than AnoMALIE is. You two can balance one another nicely. MGH depends on A's sensitivity and gentleness to soothe, heal, and provide a sanctuary from the world of competing and achieving. A, on the other hand, admires and probably needs M's forthrightness, honesty, and willingness to act boldly.

A is more of a giver, and can be very self-denying, while M is self-absorbed, and can unintentionally take advantage of  A's generosity. M also lacks tact and subtlety sometimes, and inadvertently wounds A's tender feelings.

My "tender feelings." Aww... cute! But I'd rather call them "stupid feelings."
Ok, I'll quit being cynical.

My "tender feelings" were especially tender today. As if the weekend hadn't been SHITTY ENOUGH, I woke up to horrible news-- I won't discuss it here though.
Point is, I spent my Sunday morning/afternoon crying.
Once I stopped being "tender," I went about and submitted two more of my applications (I don't know what it is about feeling miserable, but that shit gets me to work. I get shit DONE when I'm feeling like jumping off a bridge. It's like my brain says "Ok! Before you kill yourself... could you just... do this right quick for me? Please?" and something I've been putting off for months gets completed in a couple of hours. Then I feel all accomplished and I put off killing myself for some other day). So, now I'm for sure getting at least three letters in the mail in a couple of months... whether of acceptance, or the more probable rejection, but they'll be there. Money!

I did get some good news before calling it a day. The good news came courtesy of a couple of texts from Pacemaker.
Pacemaker: Hey lady, what's your address? I'm sending you something.
Pacemaker: OMG. You're so weird. But ok, I'll add some in there.

Feed me peanut butter, and I will be yours forever. I'll even endure verbal abuse ::cough:: Pacemaker ::cough:: for the love of PB.
No one is aware of this secret, and I hope to keep it that way. I don't want anyone to know they can have that much power over me thanks to some smoothly blended legumes.
... And now that I think about it... there has been no peanut butter in my house for over a year... I suspect that might be largely responsible for my shit attitude. Guess I know what I'm doing tomorrow.


Kelley said...

I have peanut butter and I won't take advantage of you! I'm sorry your weekend has been bad :( I wanted to say something positive, but it's hard to find encouraging words when it something that you shouldn't have to deal with EVER. I'm sure you totally rocked your applications and good news is going to come soon though :)

AnoMALIE said...

:) I'm going to be following you around like a horse looking for sugar cubes. haha
And thanks. I would have gone to the gingerbread party today, but I was in no condition to be out in public. Plus, I need to be at my best when taking on Bradley at Guitar Hero... heard that dude is going to challenge me to a duel soon. I can't be all... watery-eyed and sentimental when that shit goes down.