Monday, April 4, 2011

Bust a what?!

I think The Universe finally realized it has been a real douche to me these last few months (it really let me have it in March... my birth month. JERK!).
It tried making it up to me today.

I was watching TV in the living room when I saw a piece of paper-- protected by hard plastic-- lying on the floor.
I picked it up. It was the instruction/description slip of the comfy italian-leather couch I love lounging in while watching TV in the family room. It must have fallen off the bottom of the couch after all these years of being held up by only one strip of tape.
I saw two bright yellow stickers on the back of the paper... then I read the stickers. It was the name of the couch... my lovely, 12-year-old couch:
Oh boyyyy!
Yes, that made my day.

And NO, I will NOT listen to my couch's advice.


Kelley Karas said...


unrelated.. interested in hiking on wednesday?

AnoMALIE said...

YES!! Totally! :)