Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sigo siendo niña

A little over 6 hours before I can freely express myself!
No guys, you have no idea how BADLY I've wanted to do this.
These 40 days have felt like I've had a choke-chain around my neck... ready to be pulled the moment I drop an F-bomb or any of my other beloved words.

I'm in such a good mood, I'll share my new favorite song.
It helps that someone told me this song reminds them of me (not because they love me, but because they know certain lyrics turn me into a squealin' little girl).
Cute song... and a music video that makes me watery-eyed, because while I wasn't raised in an orphanage, the shenanigans these kids get into is TOTALLY what I'd do in Mexico... I still sort of do, when I find someone who doesn't mind getting dirty... which is the majority of my friends, because they're so awesome.

My Mexicanism at it's best:

And the lyrics get me all mushy and stupid... because they're terribly sweet, and what I think all "love" songs should sound like... because I'm so into nature, obviously:

Cuéntame qué escondes trás de tu mirada
dime en este instante lo que te haga falta.
Yo estaré contigo para protegerte,
quiero ser el ángel que cuide tu alma.
(after hearing that, I get a knot in my throat)
No dejes que nada borre tu sonrisa,
eres tú la niña que siempre he soñado.
por verte feliz cualquier cosa yo haría,
vivo finalmente de ti enamorado.
(I'm tearing up by this point, especially the bolded part. Anyone tells me that and I immediately cry. That is SO unbelievably sweet)
Tienes la fragancia de las flores del jardín,
todas las mañanas brilla el sol gracias a ti.
Hay tanta ternura dentro de tu corazón,
mas fue tu inocencia lo que a mi me cautivó.
(COMPLETELY and THOROUGHLY THAWED MY HEART! Those are THE BEST lyrics in the UNIVERSE! Sorry, it excites me a little too much)
Y cada día va creciendo más mi amor,
y es por ti que la tristeza para siempre se marchó.
Doy gracias al destino que te puso en mi camino
niña de mi corazón.
(AWWWWWWWW! Awwwwwww! I listen to this holding my breath... so I won't cry, duh)
Eres tan dulce como el agua de los ríos,
hoy gracias a tu sonrisa mi vida tiene sentido.
Mi amor, quiero decirte que desde que apareciste
despertaste mi ilusión, niña de mi corazón.
(Yup. Anyone who busts out the bolded sentence on me would absolutely, without a doubt, have me at his feet---shhh! don't share that with ANYONE. Sounds like something John Redcorn would say on King of the Hill... but ey, I LOVE IT!)

It helps that I think the band singer did a great job. Most of the time, banda singers anger me... because all they do is scream or "talk-sing." This guy tries... and his voice is pleasant to my ears.
That song... the freakin' ISH in this world.

Now excuse me while I go freeze back up again.
Freakin' song melts me faster than this Vegas heat melts my ice cream.

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