Thursday, April 21, 2011

Un Valiente

So... I'm still simmering in yesterday's conversation/argument regarding my relationship status.
It always happens.
The moment the argument is going down, all I really do is sit there, too busy to deal with anything because of how fast my head is spinning... absolutely surprised over how heated the argument gets amongst the older ladies. Jesus... really, ladies? You're that concerned about me? Oh man. I leave it in the back burner for the rest of the day.
Then I wake up the next morning and random highlights of the argument will playback in my head... at random times. It could be while I'm hanging out in the pantry picking out a ripe orange ("ripe"... apparently I'm TOO ripe) or when I'm putting away some laundry (I bet the freakin' ladies can't wait until I have to do this for a MAN).
From yesterday's argument, the comment that hurt me the most was one uttered by the Euro Boys' Mom.
It was unsolicited "consolation."
"No se preocupe mija, algún dia un valiente saldrá."
Which translated means "Don't worry, sweetie, one day a brave guy will step up." Although... a "Valiente" is... like... a warrior, so to speak.
I just acted as if I didn't hear. But now the phrase has been eating away at me. It has me pretty pissed, actually.

Un valiente.
Get out of here.
I don't know how that's supposed to console anyone. It's telling the chick a guy needs to summon courage to give you a shot.
That's bullshit.

That stupid little word is just chipping away at my mood... and now I'm smashing cans in my tight grip and grinding my teeth every other hour.

Women are so fucking stupid and annoying.

HOWEVER! There is some good news that makes me snub this out for long periods of time:
Rafa called us to tell us he's going to be the keynote speaker for Notre Dame's Poli Sci departmental graduation.
I don't know about the rest of the world, but that bit of news has this family beaming with pride.
My brother is the biggest badass I know!
(Maybe that's why I have such high standards for dudes? I know there are intelligent, hilarious men out there, and I'm not about to settle for some schmuck for the sake of "company")


(Dude, am I bipolar or what? Haha)

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