Sunday, December 4, 2011

Keep the shirt

"Are you ok?"
His first words to me.

I've tried holding off talking about this, because it tends to anger me... then make me sad... then make me feel like a loser.
MGH has been up to his shenanigans once again.
He has been doing the whole "subliminal message" thing with me.
And while I DID notice, I acted as if I didn't... even if I felt like I was getting upper-cutted with each little detail of his.

Him: I bought an ND shirt the other day...
Me: Is that so?
Him: Yeah... ND.
Me: That's cool. That way you can always think of RAFA and NOTRE DAME when you wear it.

I've known of the shirt for a while now. I saw a photo of him wearing it... at Pacemaker's nice's Quinceañera. Coincidence he wore it there? No. If I learned anything from him, it's that his actions are calculated and deliberate.
I saw him wearing the ND shirt (my initials, in case you've forgotten) as I looked through Pacemaker's photos, and I felt as if I had gotten kicked in the gut.
WHYYYYY are you doing this?! Goddamn it, WHY?!

Today he used his famous line on me: I need to talk to you.
Everyone knows I spring to action when I'm needed.

Once I agreed to talk, those were his first words... "Are you ok?"
Agitated, irritated, annoyed... what have you... and still, I talked to him for two hours (hours filled with more of the cryptic shit... where he highlighted memories from the past... especially Cancun. He really stressed that one. Oh yeah! The trip where you obliterated, completely pulverized my heart? Oh yeah, I remember that!).

I'm such a fucking sucker.
And I will NEVER understand guys.

... and I will NEVER take him back.

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