Thursday, May 10, 2012

Y el chile?

Hey!! So there IS hope!
Just kidding!! Everyone knows I'll NEVER publicize my shit that scandalously (ok, ok, I'll 'fess up to THINKING about that whole ebay thing... not that I'd actually go through with it... but it's always interesting to ponder WHY anyone would pay so fucking much for a chick's virginity. That's just... weird. I'd probably give mine up for a nice smile and a good joke-- that's how much I value that shit). And why would I want to fuck at the age of 70? Imagine the disappointment! Train done passed you by, homie.

Talkin' about fuckin', today is Mexican Mother's Day.
In my house, it translates to:
Carne Asada and Lobster. 
Mangos con limon y chile.
And last, but not least,
Alejandro Fernandez full blast, surround-sound, in the living room.

Tears... there are also a couple of tears... all shed by my mother. My poor mother.
This marks her third year celebrating the day without her mom. Third year I wake up to her bawling her ass off with Alejandro Fernandez songs that remind her of Grandma.
I accidentally triggered a sob-fest when I asked her if there was any chile for my chopped mango.
Mom: Do you remember... that day we shared with your grandma as we ate mangos that one day?
Ah fuck... what did I just cause...
Next thing I know, Mom's sobbing as she starts looking for some red chile in the fridge.

I say Mexican moms have it great in this country, because they get to be celebrated twice...
I never really stopped to think how much it must suck once your mom's no longer around...
turns to two days where you're constantly reminded she's gone.

(this is the part where I'd go around bear-hugging everyone who no longer has a Mommy)

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