Thursday, June 21, 2012


Last night I dreamt of JC.
I was resting on the same tree branch I chilled on when I hit the Costa Rican beach... and I was taking a nap. I wake up after feeling someone gently caressing my right elbow.
I remember looking over and seeing JC passing his index finger very gingerly over my elbow.
We didn't say anything... just looked at each other as I allowed him to touch my elbow.
The entire time, the only "feel" to the dream was comfortable melancholy... if that makes sense.

I woke up missing my buddy-- JC.
Fuck, we were pretty damn inseparable. Prior to his Berkeley graduation, I hadn't spoken to him since his infamous Argentina drunk dial where all he did was cuss at me, angrily inform me he had always liked my dumb ass, and called me a "pendeja."
Pretty fucking unacceptable.
I fucked up in not reciprocating his affection, didn't I? I mean... he's not unattractive... he's actually really handsome... like... classically handsome. I can see him playing the role of some... Austen/Bronte character on Masterpiece Theater or something. He's also really smart... really, REALLY smart... even if I did write his college entrance essays for him... but that's only because English isn't his first language. He gave me drafts, and I added the filler. My writing skills helped get him into all the schools of his dreams, but I could not get myself into a SINGLE school on my list-- go figure.

I was too stubborn on liking his brother, and seeing him only as a brother... and now I lost him as my best dude friend.

He turns 24 tomorrow. I'm debating between writing him something curt, like he wrote me, or sticking to my true personality and doing my usual verbose shit.
Happy birthday! IWon'tBoreYouWithTheHeartfeltShitIPlanOnWritingBecauseIKnowNoOneCaresButTrustWhenISayItWouldBeLongAsFuck.

Hmm... losing guy friends after they get pussy-whipped really sucks.
A kid who once randomly went down to Hometown, against his mother's wishes, only to surprise me and beg me to join him on his trip to France.
What kind of friend does that?
Never again will I find someone like that dude.

P.S. The winner was: Happy birthday. I miss your face, JC... your personality only once in a while.

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