Monday, November 22, 2010

PB and Cookies

We have an inside joke in the family where we exclaim "PEANUT BUTTER?!" (actually pronounced "Pea-nah BAH-D'O") whenever someone asks a question we don't want to answer.

Back when I was five, one of my cousins of the same age was over at my house, but refused to play with any one of us. She was fresh from Mexico, and all awkward and shy.
She kept bugging her Mom to take her home. My sister and I were playing with her younger sister, and WhinyCousin would only sit next to her mom and whisper something in her ear.
This girl cousin is from my Mom's side, so when my Dad's uncle came over, he met these little girls for the first time.
Uncle: And who's this lovely lady?
WhinyCousin'sLittleSister: Vanessa! ::Smile:: ::looks in his hands for candy::
He then turned to WhinyCousin.
Uncle: And what is your name, sweetie?
She looked up with watery eyes.
WhinyCousin: PEANUT BUTTER?! (actually pronounced "Pea-nah BAH-D'O")

This makes us laugh... every time.
But today, I do believe I found a new favorite interjection.

I walked into the kitchen to wash the dishes, when I heard Mom and Dad talking about religion.
Dad: We talked about that one movie... how it shouldn't be watched if you're a Christian because it's about a magician and monsters and witchcraft. But there you have it... breaking records at the box office. Sign of the times... the end is near!
Mom: Huh?
Dad: You know... that movie that came out the other day. Those little kids... one is a magician... they're into witchcraft... it's really popular right now... what's it called... it's a little boy.
Me: What the hell are you talking about?!
Dad: That damn movie about the little boy magician!
Mom: COOKIE MONSTER?! (actually pronounced "Koo-key Muster")

The correct answer we were looking for was: Harry Potter.
But I was too busy trying to catch my breath after laughing so hard... as was my Dad... and we totally forgot to argue over how STUPID Fundamentalists really are.

God bless my mommy and her... mentality.

1 comment:

Mooney said...

I want some damn peanut butter cookies!