Monday, November 29, 2010


Secrets are playing a role in your romantic affairs, Pisces, but this time the secrets are yours, aren't they? The issue that has been leaving you perplexed and upset with love has been coming from within, and so you will never move forward until you nip these things in the bud. It may be that an honest conversation with the person involved is required, and if you think this will lead to a loss of some sort, consider how things are being left as they are without this conversation. You are clearly not moving forward with the person that you wish to be doing so, and this is because you have not had as much honesty on the table as you should. In this case, honesty is scary for you, but so long as you remember that this person is more understanding and forgiving than you think, you will sail through this talk easier than you think. They are waiting for just a smile, and if you can accomplish that, everything else will work itself out very positively for you.

Things with love for you Pisces have not exactly been coming up roses lately, have they? This however is a period of discovery for you, and you may find these issues change if you make the right action choices to do so. It is possible that something that has been lost or hidden will come to light for you, and you may find some secrets or long buried feelings to contend with today. In fact do not be surprised if some of these buried feelings are your own, and if you are discovering this during this period, it may be time to take those feelings out and do something with them. Whatever you engage yourself in during this period, your intensity and drive will be high. These feelings are intense enough to be the real thing, so why not harness some of your infamous drive and energy, and put that into your romantic affairs for a change? You will be surprised quite pleasantly to discover that someone has been waiting for you to do just that.

I'm not much of a bluffer with my poker game. I stick to sharking. I calmly wait for someone to try to bluff me... and I pounce.
I learned this because the rare times I do bluff, someone always calls it... then I'm shit out of luck and broke.

It's not that I lie... I just... well, I guess it's technically lying by omission.
I could have had pocket aces and folded to a possible flush... or I could have had 7-2 off-suit, and it was all just an easy fold. You'll never know. I'll never tell.
Risk vs. Reward... and I'll only take the risk if the odds are with me.
Well... that's only the majority of the time...
There will be days when I'm being a dick, I'll play reckless like an asshole, and lose it all in one or two hands.

If I quit playing poker with my love-life, maybe what you say could be true,
But the risk is never worth taking.
That doesn't mean I haven't taken risks... it's just that the odds work against me. Every time. And I'm left wanting to just auto-post blinds, leave the table, and automatically fold to any raise. Y me quedo sin nada.
I'll try and shark when I think I have the game beat with a flush-- ace high, but someone busts out the straight flush.... with 7-2 off-suit, deuce being the winning suit... and I lose it all.
Broke and disillusioned.

So... you'll never be able to convince me otherwise, I refuse to open up... in any sense of the word. It's never worth it.
No one is waiting for my "conversation," so just shut the fuck up.

I concentrate on empty spaces,
A passive pondering of blankness.
Sit down, shut up, controlled obsessions.
Your absence, it exhausts me.
I can't control my feelings.
I sip on dreams and choke on real things.
Detach myself for preservation.
I struggle to not want you.

I always panic when I'm left.
Is it healthy that we met?
If you stop coming, will I forget?
I always panic.

Today is going to be simple,
Today 'cause you're not around.
My heart will pound lazy,
No one to impress,
No smile is required
Today 'cause you're not around.
Today you won't be around.

She asked how we are...
She asked If I was all weird again.
And of course I am,
But I'm trying really hard,
So I lied to her.
And I was wearing this prisoner face
So deep inside, she had to know:
Once again I've lost control.

For everything, there is a reason.
Everything, I hope in time, will come.

Lying in your bed,
I am a refugee you try to love.
But the love that he killed
Keeps coming back and haunting me.
Am I wasting all of your time
And all my cute days on regrets?
Is it healthy that we met?
Is it wrong holding on too much
To my best friend, my faded lover?
Who knows?

Cinderella Hope
And it's all because he made me laugh.
Coincidence or fate,
Running towards a catastrophe...
Save me.

What some bullshit on an astrology page does to me...
Why couldn't I have been a cold-hearted Virgo? Fuck.

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