Friday, November 19, 2010


I've been having weird nightmares for the last week or so.
I've woken up in a cold sweat twice, and with my heart racing once.
Today I woke up wanting to barf... ok, not really, but I did wake up feeling embarrassed, of all things.

The cold sweats and racing heart came about because the nightmares have been very "pick-your-own-adventure" like. Basically, you have me back in Hometown, stuck in a drug-lords mansion with his goons trying to find me... and I have to go through all the mansion's secret passage ways and look for weapons to defend myself. Tomb Raider shit, pretty much... and we all know how little I care about adventure bullshit, so I wake up scared, and bothered... I even pray a little, why lie?
Obviously, I'm not down with the idea of getting massacred.

Then we have last night.
I went to bed thinking about MGH and our group trip to Cancun last summer.
Stupid on so many levels, I know.
It appears my head decided to teach my heart a lesson for being so stupid.

The dream started off incredibly pleasant: I had just arrived at some nice hotel where I was going to be staying. It was at some beach, but since I had arrived late at night, I decided to wait until the morning to see the ocean.
I enter the room, and what do I see?
Mooney, my sister, Kelley, Darcy, and one of his friends were already in the room.
Vacation with all y'all? Cool!
Well... it was... kind of.
It was obvious they had all been drinking for a while... and I was, like always, cranky and irritated by everyone's inebriation.
I sat on my bed, and turned my back to everyone as they sat in the living room playing King's Cup.
That was my mistake.
Next thing I know, Darcy taps my right shoulder and I turn to my left, where he was standing.
Darcy: Ha. You didn't fall for it.
Me: I'm not retarded.
I recoiled.
He proceeded to ask me a question about my "other dog" and as I sat there trying to figure out who this other dog was (When did I get another dog? And if he exists... is he still alive? Because I haven't taken care of another dog besides Tyson. I have another dog out there possibly starving to death?! I'm a horrible person!) he leaned in and went for my mouth. I was all "Woo-hoo!" when next thing I know, he projectile-vomits... in my mouth.
It was so realistic, I swear I can still taste it... all vodka-y and bile-y. So sick.

To top it all off, the people in the living room started to wonder what the hell was going on.
That was when Darcy decides to totally pass out on top of my head.
And I try to play it all off.
What? Me... with vomit in my mouth? That doesn't belong to me? No. What are you talking about? My neck hurt? Why should it hurt? 

I woke up saying "What the fuck?!"
Then I felt embarrassed as if it had really occurred (I do find solace in knowing that even all drunk, and stupid, and passed out, Darcy was still dreamy. I would have been hell of pissed if the drunken idiot would have been someone like... JC. No thanks).

Now... interpret that,!


Mooney said...

Holy shit! That is bizarre!!! You even have me scratching my head.

AnoMALIE said...

lmao... at least I mentally got to revisit our Cancun room, pre-fire... hahaha