Sunday, May 29, 2011

Goodbye NYC, hello NJ

Well, as suspected, I was devastated to be leaving New York.
We had time to fuck around in the morning, since we left the city at 2PM.
We had brunch at a cozy, yet very chic French restaurant (when aren't those motherfuckers "chic," I ask). 20 bucks to be treated like royalty... unlike in REAL France, where I doubt we'd be treated like royalty if we walked around dressed in 14k gold.
We had a slight shit time at Penn Station (or however that's spelled. It's the damn train station), where people were useless and didn't help for shit. We had to ask a poor custodian lady who spoke very little English, and SHE was the only helpful one. Sweet heart.
After an hour of shooting the shit in the train, it was finally time for Sister and my dream vacation to come to an end.
We were no longer two single girls in the city... but two very sheltered Mexican girls hanging out with Mom and Dad in college town, watching Big Bro graduate.

I tripped myself out when I noticed my change. I was still ME, me as I stepped out of the train... as I stood on the curb... and as I hugged my brother before getting in the car.
I looked in the car, saw Dad sitting passanger side, and the moment my foot entered the car, I was once again submissive, good-girl AnoMALIE.

It's not that I was wild when "alone," but I'm... me. I talk, I smile, I crack jokes, I take as much time as I want to admire my surroundings without saying a word, I listen to dirty conversation, I have a filthy mouth, I hold eye-contact with strangers, I SMILE at cute boys, I don't give a FUCK what ANYONE will think of what I just did or said... I'm AnoMALIE.
The moment I see one of my parents, it's this involuntary retraction into submission. A self-inflicted lobotomy, if that makes sense.
It's freaky. And sad.

ANYWAY! I'm at Princeton now. It's gorgeous, of course.
I get this crazy sense of pride in my brother when I see how his peers treat him. They're really fond of him. Apparently he's the jokester of the bunch. They have nothing but love for my broski.

Rafa caught me snapping a photo once he took us into campus.
I was mesmerized. My brother? Not so much.
Rafa: Why you taking a photo of that scrub-ass building?! Wait until tomorrow when I get hooded at MY building... now THAT'S a building.

We went to his Latino graduation ceremony today.
There are only... 30 Latinos graduating this semester.
A few were missing... 
Ain't that crazy? I thought so (only one guy was getting a PhD in Spanish and Portuguese languages... of course, the real title is much more elaborate than how I just said it. Three others, including my brother, were getting their masters. The rest are little Bachelor Babies).
And all of those kids had some incredible accomplishments (one boy was getting three degrees in the most random shit ever. Biological Engineering, African-American Studies, and International Relations. How fucking random is THAT? AND he minored in NEUROBIOLOGY AND PORTUGUESE! IS THIS A NEW DEGREE OF A HIGH-FUNCTIONING SAVANT? WTF? YOU CAN'T BE REAL! These fuckers leave a person feeling more than inadequate), and their speeches were so touching. I cried with three of them. The guy getting his PhDs was SO eloquent, and expressed exactly how my siblings and I feel about our parents (Rafa's excuse for being one of the few who DIDN'T give a speech), another girl dedicated her awards to her single mother who never went to school (you KNOW that story will make me cry EVERY. SINGLE. TIME), and the third was the son of a single mother who migrated from El Salvador all on her own at the age of 15, via the train-tracks through Mexico, and worked to get him through college (I was needing to take deep breaths after three seconds of his story).
Are you guys going to show me a World Vision commercial now or what? Please stop! I don't want to cry any longer!
It was a very emotional night, needless to say.
Now I just need to rest... because I have some long days ahead.
I feel retarded as fuck amongst these Einsteins.
The boy whose loft we're staying in owns this mug.
I'm falling in love with him by the minute.
First this mug, then his book collection... Jesus Christ.
Interestingly enough, this also served as the DD for today.
... these FUNNY, witty... charming Einsteins.
(Pacemaker "recommended" I look for a guy in these short days. "Imagine how well off you'll be! You know those kids are smart AND filthy RICH. WIN-WIN, AnoMALIE!" Yeah... ok...)

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