Sunday, May 15, 2011

I (HEART) Aguacates!

Fastest way to cheer up a sad AnoMALIE?
Feed her some avocado.

Today, after nearly 50 days of not tasting the delicious, creamy, magical flavor of an avocado, I reintroduced the magnificence of the avocado into my diet.
Instantly, I was dancing in my seat-- the most sincere manner in which the body of yourstruly, tells the whole world that she is indeed a very happy camper.

Last night was rough.
I won't go into detail, I'll just say this:
Mean/rude people must have incredibly miserable lives to try so fucking hard to make others feel bad. I refuse to believe they're ever really happy. I genuinely feel SORRY for them.

I didn't cry in public, I refuse to ever do that (once I come home, it's a different story. I'll be a fucking crying disaster, because no one can hear me or see me. I'm convinced everyone does this on a really bad day). As hard as others try, I'll keep a straight face... which appears to enrage others and turns up the heat.
All the insults and just... the scenario itself stays in my head, and I have to release it at some point. So occasionally it'll find its way here. I do apologize for that.
WTF, AnoMALIE? You're supposed to be funny! What is this shit?!
Mah bad, homie. I have some bad days sometimes.

Anyway, I'm trying really hard to have a more cheerful disposition, so I woke up willing to make myself happy again.
I made myself a deviled egg... using two slices of avocado instead of mayonnaise (fuck that shit. Mayo makes me vomit), and fresh habanero salsa to mash with the egg yolk. Topped with cayenne powder, paprika, and fresh ground pepper.
Bam! Magic.
Best breakfast EVER.

I danced in my seat, and not even the bitter-ass green tea I was sipping on could make me frown (it did make me gag once, though).
I bet mean people aren't happy enough to dance in their seat in the mornings.

Awww... I'm frowning for them right now. Poor babies.
Espero y que se alivien pronto, puta gente amargada. :)

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