Monday, January 10, 2011

Refused to answer

I have a friend who makes me go paralyzed with fear each time she calls. Is that normal?

She's a writer for the local news... on a channel named after an animal... that one.
Each time she contacts me, I nearly piss my pants from the anxiety.
No, not because she has such an "important" job... not because she's married to the "celebrity" that is the weatherman of said local news (last time I hung out with her, she said this, verbatim: I'm going to ask *weathermanhusband* if he's OK with meeting you guys first before bringing him around. Relax, homie... he's not Jake Gyllenhaal... I'm not going to hyperventilate because I met a fucking weatherman. I'm not that enthused by meteorologists... take it down a notch, please)... but because she's batshit crazy.

Now, people might say AnoMALIE, what way is that to express yourself about a "friend?" 
To which I say Dude...  no... this girl... she's hella cool one second, then the next she's threatening to strangle you to death.
I've known her since my middle school years, so I know how rad this girl can be. She's hilarious, she beats me in the sarcasm department, and she's freakin' gorgeous (hey, not that I swing that way, but I call it how I see it. This girl is that type of pretty where she's stunning even without makeup).
I didn't know she was crazy until we were in college and she called my house to chew us (Sis and me) out over us supposedly telling everyone (by "everyone" I mean "her boyfriend") her father was a druglord (yeah, it's that girl). Once we asked around (we had to go to every person involved. And each one gave the same account: THE BITCH IS CRAZY! SHE was the one to say "Oh! It was AnoMALIE and Sister! They've always hated me!" Her boyfriend doesn't even know you guys!), that's when I was made aware of the degree of this girl's mental instability. She's insane.

Anyway, last night I went out without my phone. Once I returned, I saw I had a missed call from InsanePrettyGirl, and worse yet... voicemail from her.
Fuck... what did I do now?
I won't lie, I panicked. I felt as if someone had placed a gun against my back.
I listened to her message, pretty much holding my breath while closing my eyes.
"Hello AnoMALIE, it's InsanePrettyGirl. I'm calling you from my house number, so that must be why this number is unfamiliar to you, and refused to answer. I have a couple of questions to ask you, so I would appreciate it if you could call me back as soon as possible. You can reach me at my house number, *number* or my cell phone number, which is *number*. Thank you."
I leave people messages like "yo, it's AnoMALIE. Hit me up as soon as you get this. K?" and here this girl's sounding like my fucking elementary school principal asking for a parent-teacher conference to discuss my obscene responses to English assignments.

I have her phone numbers... so... the fact that she gave me both was a little intimidating, not to mention the whole "you refusing to answer" thing... she called me ONCE... what the fuck?
Shit must be serious. Oh my God... is she going to sue me for slander or something?

After a couple of deep breaths (and making the sign of the cross a couple of times) I called back.
She wanted information on grad school.

Girl scares me so much, she damn near gives me diabetes.

Anyway, totally off-topic, and to end things on a positive note (that's still sort of... "meh" because regardless, I still detest Argentina): BIG, BIG day for team Barça today :)
Yesssss sirrrrr!
If only Messi were... Mexican or something... shit, even Salvadorian. But alas, gotta take the good with the bad.
Ok, no more soccer talk. I can get annoying with it, just like with my poker talk.
I might as well be a dude sometimes.

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