Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tripas Corazón

My sister, as much as she may deny this, has a "type." I do too.
However, Sister has a "type" of dude... I have a "type" of movie.
Sister like dudes in the 6' - 6'5" height range. They tend to be bald. They tend to be latino/medium complexion. They tend to hold a high school diploma, max... on the rare occasion, they took a semester of some college course. The guys also dig hip hop OR Mexican classics in the Vicente Fernandez/Antonio Aguilar range.
That is her type.

My movie "type" goes like this: adorable, kind, sweet, witty boy meets free-spirited, ambitious girl. Couple falls in love. Couple marries. Couple has baby. Baby turns out to be a hope/soul crusher. Happy couple is now bitter couple. Bitter couple quarrels A LOT, usually because the girl ends up being a crazy bitch. Love dies. A LOT of smoking takes place. Couple splits... either by painful divorce or untimely death... I prefer death.
I leave theater crying.
And that's my "type."

I don't know why my sister is into undereducated cholos, if she's such a bright, pretty girl... and I don't know why I love movies about marriage ruining people's lives, when I've never even been in a relationship where I freely refer to the guy as my "boyfriend," and neither my parents nor aunts/uncles are divorced.


I watched Blue Valentine today... and while I didn't cry like I usually do with my "types," I did leave bummed out. It was one of those movies that just crushes your soul... and makes you want to slap a bitch.
Without giving the entire movie away, I'll mention the two things that spoke to me most:

1. Gosling's character meets girl (Williams), and while she doesn't give him the time of day, he can't stop thinking about her. At work he mentions her to his coworker, and tells him how from the moment he saw this chick, he felt this familiarity with her... like if he had known her his entire life, and now, no matter how hard he tries, he just can't forget her.
His coworker tells him he just needs to get some pussy and forget about that bullshit.
Uhhh... has someone been reading my diary? When that part came on screen, I felt like doing my "retarded seal" clap... then I got sad. Don't trust a "feeling," that's just some bullshit.

2. Gosling mentions to this same coworker how he thinks men are far more romantic than women. Men marry the chick they meet and think "I can't live without this woman." Women marry a man they don't feel too bad about settling for. "Women spend so much of their time looking for their Prince Charming, and only wind up settling for a guy who isn't 'that bad.'"
Ouuuch. But he's right. I always told myself I'd only marry a dude I loved, but now that time is passing by, I find myself not giving a fuck. I have found myself scoping out a prospect and thinking "Yeah... I guess I could tolerate that." But that shit isn't fair to anyone. I'm not a fan. I doubt I could actually go through with something like that... hence why I choose to be alone. 

I watched most of that film "haciendo de tripas corazón," or "making a heart out of guts." I felt my heart getting ripped out and I was left trying to fill that void with my guts.
I could relate to a lot of what was going on, oddly enough... and with both characters. I was getting repulsed with myself.

While the film won't be one of my all time favorites, it was still worth my 10 bucks, and I'd definitely watch it again to see what other minutiae I can pick up on.

Damn you, Ryan Gosling... always making me feel pity for you... you lovely, lovely man.

Just find yourself a little pussy and forget about that bullshit... 
Maybe I should...
He totally should have.

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