Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Se que yo siempre quiero mas

Random text from my brother:

Rafa: I have stupid Maroon 5 songs stuck in my head now. Thanks, fags.
Me: I hope it's the country song! "I WONDERRR... DOES YOUR MAAAAAAN STILL SHUDDER WHEN YOU TOUCH HIS HAAAAAAND, LIKE THIS MAAAN!" (song I was screaming into his ear as we were driving him to the airport)
Rafa: No, it's the one that says something about "hearts pumping... counting down to ze-e-ro." But I'm not sure what the actual lyrics are because the fag lead singer needs speech therapy!
Me: "5, 4, 3, 2, 1. I won't stop until it's done." No Curtain Call. Hahahaha!

Then we went on a much more un-PC conversation over Adam Levine's supposed speech impediment.
Then I got him to admit that my music has a tendency to be good. Waaaa-pshhhhhhh! His total obsession? Gustavo Santaolalla's band. Of course, that man's a fucking musical genius.

(Gratuitous crotch shot. You're welcome)
no se donde acomodarte
no se de que color pintarte
no se muy bien que nombre darte
si te veo por la calle pero
se que tu me miras a los ojos y es algo unico
se que yo siempre quiero mas
no se porque si fue solo un instante
se niega el tiempo a borrarte
fue una fina sombra que dejaste
algo hermoso inexplicable

Anyway, this is why I think every girl should have a brother. It's fun... when they're not shooting rubber bands into your eyes (what? Only my brother did that to me? Ok).

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